For more information on our Christian Formation offerings, please email​.
Sundays, 9:45 to 10:50 am, Pelletier Room
Leader: John Harper
Lectionary Class participants discuss readings from each Sunday’s services. Key questions from a study guide kick off the discussions. Typically, discussions focus on what the readings may have meant to listeners in ancient times and what they mean to us today. They also focus on how readings are connected and on the meaning of unusual names, places, and events. Study guides are available at the Reception Desk.
Sundays, 9:45 to 10:50 am, 2nd Floor Living Room through February 9
All are invited to join an Adult Sunday School class to explore the question of Micah 6:8. “What does the Lord require of you?” The remaining four classes (9:45 am in the 2nd Floor Living Room) will cover the commands from God found in Micah 6:8. The topics for the upcoming weeks are January 19 "Do Justice", January 26 "Love Mercy/Kindness", February 2 "Walk Humbly with Your God", and on February 9 a summary of our discussions. The goal for the class is to help us hear what God desires of us, as individuals and as a community of faith.
Wednesdays from 11am to noon, Pelletier Room
Leaders: The Rev. Suzanne Hood and Deacon-in-Training Charles Pringle
The Rector's Bible Study meets on Wednesdays at 11 am in the Pelletier Room.
During January and February, the Rector’s Bible Study will be led by the Associate Rector, Suzanne Hood and Deacon in Training, Charles Pringle. We will explore some of our favorite Bible stories from childhood. We will do this by comparing popular children’s versions of the Bible with the text as it appears in our study Bibles. We will investigate questions such as: What lasting images do we have from the stories as we heard them when we were kids? How did those versions shape our understanding of God? What was left out and what was given more emphasis? We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday mornings at 11:00 in the Pelletier Room.
Tuesdays from 10 to 11am, Second Floor Living Room
The Women’s Book Study is exploring Reading the Women of the Bible: A New Interpretation of Their Stories by Tikva Fryer-Kensky. A Biblical scholar, author, and professional, Frymer-Kensky was profoundly committed to Jewish-Christian dialogue. This book addresses both modern hypotheses and traditional beliefs about the Biblical texts. It explores the women of the Hewbrew Bible from a scholar perspective and also acknowledges areas where questions remain unanswered.
Join us on Tuesdays, as we discover connections between our stories and the stories of the women of the Bible. Women of all ages are invited to attend. We open our time together with prayer, followed by reading the book aloud, and discussing. No preparation is necessary, and you can join the group at any time.
Contact the Rev. Suzanne Hood ( for more information. This book study is led by Phyllis Fox and Heather McCloud Huff.
Praying with Julian of Norwich
Mondays at 11:30 am, Pelletier Room (Zoom option available)
Leader: Rev. Barbara Bornemann
When: 11:30 AM – 12:45 PM on Mondays, 2/10/25 – 5/26/25
Sign Up: Email
Meets In Person & On Zoom: In person: Pelletier Room, upstairs at Christ Church
Study Book: Praying with Julian of Norwich: Companions for the Journey by Gloria Durka
Purchase Book: Used Books Available Online (Order soon. Used books have longer delivery)
Starting February 10th, the Contemplative Prayer Group will be exploring the writings of Julian of Norwich. Julian was a mystic and prophet who lived from 1342 to 1416, during the time of the dreadful bubonic plaque. She “sheltered in place” as an anchoress at St. Julian’s Church in Norwich, England. Spending much of her time in contemplative prayer and journaling, Julian wrote down several of her revelations. She is mostly known to us through her book, The Revelations of Divine Love which is widely acknowledged as one of the great classics of the spiritual life and was the first book in English by a woman. Inspired by Julian’s writings, Thomas Merton, a 20th century Trappist monk, called her a “true theologian” and “one of the most wonderful of all Christian voices.” Merton was impressed by Julian’s authenticity, originality, and faithful prayer life. In the midst of a world struggling with fear and uncertainty, Julian encourages us to never lose trust in our gracious God. This central message of trust is conveyed through her most famous quote, “All shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.” Come and join the Contemplative Prayer Group. As we explore the unique insights and wisdom of Julian’s prayer life, we will have an opportunity to grow and be blessed in our own prayer life.
This class covers the basics of a theological education in the Old and New Testaments, church history, liturgy, and theology - with a strong emphasis on theological reflection. EfM is a four-year program that can be taken with gaps between years. The class will prepare you for any and all ministries you will serve in at Christ Church. For more information about local groups, contact Diocesan EfM Coordinator, Lisa Richey, at, or visit the Diocese's EfM website.