Sarah Risty-Davis
Direct Line: 252.631.5870
Email: sarahristydavis@christchurchnewbern.com
Proud to have been born and raised in New Bern, Sarah is a local history buff. So interested in our history, she attended UNC-Wilmington just to study under Dr. Alan Watson. She returned from Wilmington with a degree in History and Religious Studies. In 2003 Sarah moved to Scotland to pursue her Masters and PhD in Art History. Upon her return to the States in 2008 she began working for the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. Most recently, she was the Visitor Services Manager at Tryon Palace. Sarah brings to Christ Church a strong background in volunteer management.
Sarah and her husband, Charles Davis, have three adventurous, vivacious, wonderful children – Isla, Truxton, and Asa. In their free time, Sarah and Charles are slowly restoring a home in Riverside.